Virtual sessions for turbulent times
We recognise that we are currently living and working in unprecedented times, and a lot of employees will be feeling stressed, anxious and concerned over the current COVID-19 pandemic and what that means for them, their work and their loved ones. Now, more than ever, employees need to feel supported, safe and connected.
Together with our expert partners, we have created a series of virtual options to boost the wellbeing of your people during these challenging and uncertain times. These are typically 60-minute sessions which can be run via Zoom, Teams, Webex or any similar platform.
If you would like full overviews of these sessions, or any other information, we're here to help: [email protected] | +44 (0) 203 086 8901
Managing our emotions during these challenging times:
1. Anxiety: Dialling down the pressure
2. Resilience – what it is and how to develop it
3. A personal roadmap through setbacks and uncertainty
4. Adjusting to change
Looking after ourselves during these challenging times:
5. Boost your immune system
6. Feeling safe to sleep
7. Nutrition strategies to support your immune system and boost resilience
8. Working from home? Smart eating strategies to stay healthy and productive
9. Healthy management of digital technology in challenging times
Working from home as the new norm:
10. Make working from home work for you and adapting to the new norm
11. Wellbeing in self-isolation
12. Making work-from-home work for you in the COVID-19 lockdown: Managing the relationships with your partner in the new normal
13. Virtually stress free: staying connected with your team while working remotely
14. The 4 habits of ALL successful relationships
Parenting in the Context of COVID-19
15. Learning Together - finding a rhythm to your new ‘day to day’ as a family
16. Supporting Ourselves and Our Children to Manage Difficult Feelings
17. Developing Emotional Resilience in Your Children and Family